Thursday, August 22, 2013

Admitting Weakness

There are a lot of things about me that have really held me back from achieving much. The one main flaw that I can admit to is my lack of dedication.

To be able to accomplish anything, is to focus on what you want. 

My passions in life have been 3 things:
  • Health
  • Technology
  • Music
The only problem that I have come across would be that I lack the ability to put complete focus which I want to advance in first.

Another cousin of mine had told me, "You work well in all different aspects, but you aren't truly good in one thing. Its nice to be a jack-of-all-trades, but it's better to be a master in one."
This started to force things into perspective and now I find that I have wasted time scattering my attention. 

In order for me to reach success, I have targeted my health and physical well being first.

This was taken August 22,  2013
Though many people would ask why don't you focus on your career, or your financial situation. I feel it necessary to focus on the values I care about and fit my work around that. I take health into consideration only because of the possibilities of how it can affect the way you perform and how people perceive you.

My focus on health and fitness provide:
  • more energy
  • stress relief
  • aesthetics
  • and a way to track self progress through my own body
One way I look at it is even with the best car, home, job, and even friends, most of them wouldn't be worth while if poor health was keeping from enjoying it.

If everything you had was to be taken from you, the last thing you would have for yourself would be your health.

My next focus and my next passion would be technology. Not only because I enjoy the reward of building computers or working with software, but because its one thing in life that continues to advance. If you don't follow along, you will just be left behind.

One of the many computers I've built. This one was for my dad
My final passion and focus is music. Simply because it is something I enjoy, as well as find a means to express myself.

My cousin's studio setup. He was the one who told me to master a skill. 

Focus on my current setup

Added a 21" monitor to help with productivity.

"For me life is continuously being hungry. The meaning of life is not simply to exist, to survive, but to move ahead, to go up, to achieve, to conquer."

-Arnold Schwarzenegger

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