Thursday, August 15, 2013


This short documentary made me wonder 2 things

  • Does social media hinder social skills?
  • Why do people give up so quickly before trying?

They even created terms to describe the condition that they had.
  • LOVE SHYNESS - inability to approach a potential romantic partner
  • INCEL - one can approach a romantic interest, but always gets rejected.

Both these terms seem to have a common end, and that is no success in obtaining a partner.

In my view its just the lack of self development. These "shy guys" just don't even try to build up their own self worth and value, and immediately try to make an excuse as to why they are single or why they aren't seen as attractive.

If you find yourself with an obstacle preventing you from reaching your absolute goal or desire, then it just means you:

  • aren't fixing the mistakes stopping you from success
  • or give up after failing
That is all it really boils down to. If you wanted something, you would do what it takes to achieve that goal because you want it that bad. Making excuses is just something you do to make yourself feel better from not getting to your goal.

So to further lead by example. Here is my awesome (sarcasm) dinning for the next few days due to trying to conserve money.

Here you see:
  • Cheerios
  • Ramen
  • Oatmeal
  • Water
  • Milk
  • Chicken breasts
  • Checken wings
  • Ground beef
  • Coconut oil
My current breakdown for food (strong lack of fiber).

Now for a pic I know you are dying to see

Strained ramen noodles, with panfried chicken cooked in oil.
Dinner of Champions
(Not Serious)

Keep focusing on ways to improve yourself and don't find excuses, find solutions.

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