Thursday, October 31, 2013

Follow your Initial Goal

Coming back to pour out a bit more of what's going on in my head.

So many times have I always felt that listening to what my parents said would lead me to a happy future. Don't get me wrong, they teach lessons to help you stay safe, in this comfort zone, but they have never really taught me to really find out what I love to do.

Lately, all I've been getting from them are demands of going back to school, even though I have already received my bachelors degree in exercise science. As much as I find college important, I feel that it's more important to realize what it is that you want.

Elliot Hulse with more on following what you feel is right.

Don't focus on what others say leads to happiness. 

Find out for yourself, what makes you happy.

This is all I have for now, and in a few hours, I will be heading out to something that I had always kept stuck in the back of my mind when I was in college, but never acted on it due to the fact that I cared too much of what my entire family thought of it.

Just remember you will be happy knowing that you had tried, rather than thought of "what if."

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