Sunday, August 18, 2013

My Choices/What I'm Using for Productivity

I'm constantly thinking, if not, always over-thinking. When it all boils down to everything, I better make a decision before I regret making none at all. I find that a choice you make is one you made because you had a strong instinct to make that choice. 

Elliot Hulse on truly believing in your decision

What to consider in life is, why bother always trying to play it safe, when taking risks is where the chances of greater success can happen?

  • take those risks in life
    • not because someone gave you options, but because you made them and truly wanted it
  • know that you will make bad choices
    • none are truly wrong, because you learn from it (very cliche)
    • it may take multiple wrong choices before finding one that leads you where you want to be
  • be confident to know are able to make it work, and strive for your desires
Yes, I am on that poverty time.

This would be my poor excuse for a desk/workstation.

3 Boxes make for a great desk
 For closer look at what I use, I have my laptop.

Late 2012, 13 Inch Macbook Pro
For the next item in my arsenal, my tablet.

Galaxy Tab 2.0, 7 Inch model
Last but not least, like everyone else, my phone.

iPhone 4S
All these photos were taken with my phone, well except for my phone. I took that picture with the tablet due to lack of equipment . All of this is a start to make life much more livable. In the future, more changes will come, and a gradual transformation is on the way.

Why did I take this risk?

  • To those wondering if this is something that I was ready for, I will just say that if I wasn't, then I wouldn't have done it. A push that drove me to move was the fact that I was living under my parents. I now live 1500 miles away from them.
    • give me lectures about how my choices were wrong
    • seem they knew the best decision for me (they believed that it works the same as their generation)
    • but mainly, they made my feel I wasn't capable of success
  • If this was a bad choice, I will have to live with that choice regardless
  • I do this because I want to follow my passion and live by my values

Always know that you made a choice, not because it was the best choice, but because you believed that is what you truly wanted.

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