Thursday, September 12, 2013

Visualize Your Goals

A lot of times we tend to make goals in our minds, but never really get around to accomplishing them because we lose sight of what we wanted.

Find a way for you to see what it is you wish to accomplish so you can continue to remind yourself what it is you wanted to do.

I'm not saying its for the sake of getting tasks done, but more importantly to burn it into your mind that you have a goal to reach, and that one day you will look back at that reminder and say "I set out and did what I wanted to do."

For me, I took use of what a friend had mentioned and decided to get a dry erase board. A large one that I would pass by every morning, so I would visualize what would be in my future.

For some they might put down becoming the CEO of a company. 

Others may wish to be the next biggest thing in the music industry. 

And some may just want to live in a vineyard with a big family.

What you can take from this, is that you never want to lose sight of what is important to you. Find a way to motivate yourself to do what it is that you love.

I placed this board by the entrance to my bathroom, because I walk by it every morning and every night. It's close to my head board because I will look at it right before I go to sleep, so that I will never lose focus of my Goal.

Just remember you write what you want to achieve:
  • Your Goals represent your passions
  • They give you motivation to work for something
  • Build you into who you want to be
  • And in the end make you happy

You can use what ever you want to write on. Be sure to have it in sight so you will always be reminded that you have something to accomplish and that you will one day reach it.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Find Inspiration to Do What You Love

Here is someone that I can say I truly admire. Not because of all the great photos he takes, but how they tie to me emotionally.

I don't know him personally, but already after just exchanging a few messages, I felt he never had intentions of trying to be boastful but to be genuinely sincere.

He doesn't focus his life around his hobbies, but it clearly shows his interests and how he builds around his values. He enjoys photography but also holds a career outside of photo-shoots.

He is gifted in several aspects and yet finds time to have fun and do the things he enjoys.

His ability to take the simplest ideas, and create an image where you find yourself staring, really opens your eyes to appreciate art.

He also has a knack for building a connection through his photos. Giving the viewer a chance to live in that moment.

Thank you Alvin for helping me to dig deeper into my goals and look forward to the future.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Define Your Passion: Health

Frank Yang and Determination

In a previous post I had mentioned my three main passions.

To start things off, I make health and fitness a key foundation to life. To live a better life.

Health is important to me because of the obvious:
  • To maintain a fully functional body without a need for outside support
    • no more medicine
    • no need for a walker as an elder
    • to just feel good
  • To look aesthetic. With a great appearance you tend to:
    • feel better about yourself
    • help build confidence in ways you didn't feel possible
To dig more into why I value health is because of how it can define who I am. I see so many people always saying they want to lose weight or be more athletic, but usually end up giving up because it's too much work. I feel with the one body you are given, why not try to progress. I would even go as far as saying evolve into a more perfect individual.

Development of my body bleeds into other aspects of my life. One thing I focus on is muscular development (bodybuilding), because I like the idea of being able to sculpt my image. Bodybuilding takes time and has no short cuts or a single instant solution. Even with steroids or HGH, you have to put work in regardless.

Bodybuilding has helped to teach me how to apply:
  • Patience. Bodybuilding doesn't happen over night
  • Dedication. You have to put the effort in to see muscles grow
  • Knowledge. You have to truly understand why it works to be effective
My health has given me more insight as to how I want to live my life and has also shown me that if I truly wanted something I would work for it until I obtained it. If I wanted to lift this certain weight, I would get there. If i wanted to have the best sculpted physique, I would continue training. You learn to build better desire.

Working on my health defines my:
  • Desire to understand my body and myself better
  • Desire to never give up
  • Desire to keep moving forward
  • Desire to continue living so I can keep doing the things I love

Be determined to reach what you truly want