Monday, March 31, 2014

Finding the Time

I've finally landed a job, and now I'm slowly making the payments off of what owe. 

I work a job that pays just enough to get by and enough to build up to invest toward my passions (fitness, technology, and music). 

The only problem I'm reaching right now is how to go about managing my time. I only work part-time (30 hours a week), and the drive to my work is mostly spent in traffic for about an hour to an hour fifteen. I'm trying to make the most of the time I have to workout, cook, and learn a program for a potential construction position. 

Below is an old computer that I picked up for free, that the owner couldn't get running again and didn't want to bother with it anymore. 

I was able to restore it with the Windows COA and now have a simple workstation to work with. The computer is very dated and is an old HP from 2007.

The computer when it wasn't working.

After I cleaned the dust out and rearranged the cables.

After purchasing a GT 620 to support my Dell and the monitor it came with

There are people still telling me that I'm making terrible choices, but like Elliot Hulse said, "You make your decision right."

This is finally becoming a reality to a new start, and finally reaching full independence. 

The struggle I've been going through lately (though nowhere near as great as others) has shown me true appreciation for whats it's like to earn your keep.